How we use the 3 tools of yoga in prenatal yoga classes?

November 1, 2020

Asanas (Yoga Poses)

Asanas are specific body poses designed to improve the awareness and muscular flexibility. They also control and regulate breathing process and open the energy channels, thus harmonizing the functioning of body, breath and mind. While selecting asanas a special effort is made to consider the pronominal changes in anatomy, physiology and endocrine systems and the restrictions in physical activities due to pregnancy.

Do not rush in performing more Asana. 

Quality is more important than quantity. 

Effects of asanas 

Regular practice of asanas improves blood circulation, tones up the muscles of spine, abdomen and pelvis which helps to support the added weight of uterus.

Prevents common ailments like backache, leg cramps, breathlessness, etc.

Regular practice of asanas will hasten the postpartum recovery.

Pranayama (Breathing)

Pranayama is a disciplined yogic breathing practice, in which breathing process in consciously regulated, but it is important to learn an under expert guidance only.

Effects of Pranayama 

It induces tranquility, relaxation and a feeling of well-being.

It tunes up the nervous system, improves emotional stability. It also helps to eliminate anxiety, fears and phobias. 

Enhances efficiency and thereby bring relief from ailments like, insomnia, high blood pressure, breathlessness.

It improves breathing capacity and also increases stamina and vitality.

Most important of all it helps greatly in promoting an easy delivery with minimum distress and fatigue during labour.


When you are no longer distracted by external stimuli and when your mind is completely controlled and remain effortlessly at one point, that is meditation. To develop such a one pointedness of mind, focus your attention on an objects like your own breath, or a flower or a candle flame, or a mantra or any object that can easily be focused upon. If attention gets diverted and it will – do not get discouraged, gently bring your mind back to your chosen object. You will experience inner silence and peace. 

Effects of Meditation

Regular practice of meditation will induce deep sense of rejuvenation and relaxation. Pulse rate, blood pressure and oxygen requirement comes down. 

Mind becomes more relaxed and receptive and can quickly pick up auto suggestions.

